Anonymous asked: Hello there I have question that's kinda nosy but around what age did you start 'T'? and does it cost a lot of money? because I'm turning twenty today and still pre-everything (not by choice) and I feel like I'm lagging, like I should already be on it.... I started hormone therapy on December 11, 2008 - when I was 26 years old. Initially, while I was insured, it actually did cost me a lot of money - about $60 a month. I didn’t realize at the time that my insurance literally stated that it would not cover anything subjectively determined to be “trans-related”. But also, I had been going to a pharmacy located at a nearby grocery store. After asking around in the community, I discovered another local pharmacy that sold the same amount for $10/month. And when I lost insurance, since it didn’t cover my hormone therapy anyway, I’ve continued to spend about $10/month for it. Not bad! In regards to this “lagging” nonsense, there isn’t any set window for...