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Photo Documentation: 45 Days & Common Ground

Earlier today I attended a very rainy rally in support of the Common Ground Initiative (which are a series of 6 bills - more info here!) that stem from statements the LDS Church made during and after California’s Proposition 8 campaign like "we’re not anti-gay" and "the Church does not object to rights for same-sex couples." Oh, and also, Elder L. Whitney Clayton even explicitly stated the LDS Church does not oppose "civil unions or domestic partnerships."

Meaning, marriage is not the issue in this case, basic civil rights are; like housing & workplace protection (in Utah it's legal to fire someone if they're even perceived as being LGBT), death benefits, expanded health care for partners, etc., which everyone - including members of the LDS Church - can entirely agree with. In fact, something really inspirational is that three statewide polls have been released in the past week, including one by the SL Tribune and Equality Utah showing that a majority of Utahns are in favor of these basic civil rights!

There was a really impressive turnout, especially given the wet, rainy weather (even though it should actually be snowing! Usually January and early February are really cold and full of snow - not raining). The march went from the City & County Building to the state Capitol. And guess what? My mom, brother, and pops all showed up together and marched through the rain. In addition, my dad even has a dire heart condition where he's strictly advised not to exert himself. He carefully paced himself through the march and up the steep hill to the Capitol, entirely determined and supportive. I love it. Oh, and my mom stepped in dog poo and hopped around sopping wet trying to wipe it off in the grass. Such troopers.

The speeches were really inspirational and I was surprised by the trans representation. In fact, out of the five speakers I heard, three were trans.

Alright, so now it's time for another photo documentation.

Nothing too phenomenally drastic just yet, just incremental little subtle changes.

45 Days on Testosterone Cypionate, 100mg every 2 weeks
(Click on images for larger, even less flattering versions)

Stomach (hair growth + fat redistribution):
I have noticed some changes here! The fat redistribution is a bit different. I'm getting some intense belly action. In addition, there's some hair growth! I have about 6 hairs on my chest, and there's a faint trail developing that goes down to my belly button. This front angle doesn't show it too clearly, so here's another hairy belly action shot:

Whoa! Check out that hairy belly action! I'm like a bear! Or not. But let's pretend. Moving on.

Arm (upper body muscle development):

Leg (hair growth + muscle development)

Haven't noticed any muscle difference here, either. A bit more hair growth, though. I'll start manscaping soon.

Facial Hair/Acne/Facial Masculinizing

Noticing a tiny bit of difference, actually. More acne, definitely. It especially kicks in when I'm around a girl I'm trying to impress, when white heads suddenly decide to spontaneously appear. Some times in near proximity to my mouth. Hot. Also, it may be a bit placebo, but it also feels like my face is getting less "soft" in appearance.

Feeling a bit of stubble developing on my chin! It's more rough and... well, partially stubbly. I'm excited.

Not noticing any additional hair growth. It's hard to abstain from glamming these pictures up.

Serious 'stache action attempt going on here! Go go go!

*rally photo courtesy of KSL


  1. Building tone in your arms is stupdily easy, as I found out by accident. Build thineself some manly arms, oh manish one.

  2. I looked through and compared your pictures and felt like I was playing a non sexual version of photo hunt. Perhaps you should contact the people at photo hunt and come up with a tranny photo hunt...hmmm? I have no idea how I come up with such phenominal ideas.

    I think its funny that your belly button is taking a more elongated, instead of, round shape. And I agree that you definitely are becoming less soft in the face. But now I feel oddly creepy after staring at your face for so long.

  3. Kegg: You only feel oddly creepy because you've just now realized and become aware of your burning desire for me.

  4. OMG I think you're right! Maybe it's because you are becoming manlier and you know how I like the manly looking girls. You better be careful I may give into temptation one of these times we are hanging out.


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