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Photo Documentation: 58 Days

Yesterday was injection day and also the 57th day of my transition. There were a couple of differences this time. First, I didn't feel nervous in the slightest. I was completely alone and completely at ease. This could have been due to the fact that I'm now sick and entirely out of it, but I'll just assume that it's due to my newfound self-injecting confidence.

Something else happened during my injection. Once I'd slid the needle all of the way in, I slowly pressed down (which takes some considerable effort due to the thickness of the testosterone). Once I got all of it in, the needle tip detached from the syringe, but remained in my thigh.

Surprisingly, this didn't cause me to feel nervous at all, although I was a bit startled. I calmly removed the needle tip from my thigh, then checked to make sure I'd gotten all of that T goop in. I did, except for maybe a drip or two.

I need to get another prescription, so I made another appointment with my hormone doctor for February 17th where I will have my hormone levels checked, my liver, cholesterol levels, etc., and will also ask her about the possibility of progesterone therapy to forcibly induce periods every couple of months or so.

According to some resources I've read, some doctors may prescribe a short course of progesterone to induce a menstrual period during the first year or two of T therapy in order to shed any buildup of the endometrial lining, which may help prevent spot bleeding as well as potentially decrease the risk of uterine cancer. A lot of may in there, but, there's only so much information to go on here.

I'll bring this up to my doctor to get her feedback, see what she thinks; especially now that this may be my last naturally induced menstrual cycle. I had zero cramping and it was incredibly weak and essentially stopped on Day 1, aside from a tiny bit of spotting the day after.

And, since I've noticed some, well, noticeable minor changes, I'm doing another uncomfortable photo documentation! Wee! Kapooie! So excited!

57 Days on Testosterone Cypionate, 100mg every 2 weeks
(Click on images for larger, even less flattering versions)
I'm skipping posting about areas where I haven't noticed much change.

Stomach (hair growth and fat redistribution):

Fat is definitely redistributing here. I'm getting some tummy action. Also a tad bit hairier. A tad. I'm reaching.

Leg (hair growth and muscle development):

Some hair growth. Not noticing any musculature changes yet.

Facial Hair/Acne/Facial Masculinizing:

Aside from looking like I'm dying or depressed, noticing very subtle differences facially. I caught some kind of grody virus that feels like it's scurrying around in my throat, tearing at it, which is causing a lot of lethargicness!

Puberty 'stache action!

Some hairs trying to establish a little colony on my chin.

Another angle of the teeny bop facial hair action.

My achy muscles are compelling me to go sleep now. Gadz my cats love it when I'm sick.


  1. I'm soooo sorry you're sick. I am guessing you have the same virus crude I have. Good news it only last a few days, and then you don't feel like you're dying anymore.

    I highly suggest mucinex, it works wonders, if you get a cough that is. But make sure to drink lots of water with it too.

    Yay for hair growth!

    Congrats on self injection as well.

  2. Sorry you're sick - glad I didn't catch it from the two of you, though! (phew)

    In regards to your comments about inducing a menstrual cycle, just to clear out any left over endrometrium - have you considered having Uterine Ablation? Basically your doc goes in (it's an office procedure - no hospitalization) and cooks the lining of your uterus. If you have a regularly shaped uterus, they use the fan shown on the link I added - it's over in a minute, start to finish, and if you have any kind of endrometrial build up after that, it's VERY slight. A large number of women (who aren't even on T)never have a period again. I have a heart-shaped uterus, so they used boiling water and it took 10 minutes, but the result is the same. Since you' sure you're not ever going to want to "enjoy the pleasure of child birth" (Hah!), it could be an intermediary option for you, rather than having a complete hysterectomy, or having to have hormone therapy annually to make sure you're shedding any potential uterine lining.

    Our insurance covers all but $400 of it...

    Just a thought. :)

    Hope you're feeling better soon, and congrats on sticking yourself with a needle! I don't know if I could ever do that.

  3. "Me": I've never even heard of Uterine Ablation. All of that boiling water and "going in there" talk has me put off a bit, but I went to the URL you provided and ordered a little pamphlet/CD about it.

    I'll make sure to bring it up to my doctor. Thank you! :]

  4. Kegg: I'm blaming you for my ailment!

  5. hope you feel better from meecheegan.

  6. Yay my favorite updates!!! hahaha :) your hair growth is amazing yay!!

  7. Reading this blog makes me think of the song from Mulan, "I'll Make a Man Out of You" by Donny Osmond.

    Oh, btw, how does blue armor with yellow highlights strike you?

  8. Kammorremae: Can it be a dark, matte blue with shiny yellow highlights that have been bedazzled? If so, then it's striking me very, very well.

    I've never heard 'I'll Make a Man Out of You' by Donny Osmond. It sounds a little terrifying, admittedly... but now I have to find it and hear it. It could be my new theme! Thanks, Donny!



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