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How to take it in the butt

With my thigh splurting out blood after injecting last Thursday and blog whining about it, my friend, Erin, did some research. According to Erin's quick wit and research prowess, it's likely that there's no longer enough fat tissue in my thigh and the needle is going in too deep. Sounds plausible enough to me. Doesn't provoke vigorous skeptic flag waving.

Which then means that it seems as though the time has come where I may have to start injecting into my bum.


Inject into my bum? After I finally got used to thigh injecting? Bah!

I found a forum where an individual posted the following question, "I typically inject in my thigh, but how would you go about self-injecting in your rear? It would seem to be a bit awkward."

My thoughts exactly.

One response was incredibly insightful: "Man you should have named this Thread .. HOW TO TAKE IT IN THE BUTT .. OK maybe you shouldn't have, just thought that was funny. I will go take a shower now", but not all that helpful.

ha... cough... ha.... knee... slapper...

Another response included, well, an actual response to the question and a link to the following site that outlines, step-by-step, how to to self-inject into one's bum: Prentice Hall: Medication Administration

But, even better than that is this kick ass self-injection viddy I stumbled across back in January and researched very diligently in order to get up the nerve to properly plunge a needle into my thigh.

Now I'll go back to Step 1 and get up the nerve to properly plunge a needle into my bum. Difference this time being that I probably won't have a friend on stand-by while I attempt to inject into my bare, exposed bum.

In other news, I have an appointment with my hormone doctor this Wednesday, but still haven't received information from COBRA about insurance. Despite that, I need to go to this appointment in order to go over my blood work results from March 20th and to get a new prescription. Which means I'll just have to wait until I hear from COBRA then pass that info along to my doctor's office or get stuck with the bill (hopefully not).

p.s. I've been referred to as "bud" or in masculine pronouns by strangers left and right, even after speaking.

p.s.s. over the weekend I was coerced into joining a softball team that's part of an LGBQT league. Which meant that I ended up spending part of Sunday at practice where I ran around and sweat and whimpered about how big and heavy the ball was and slipped in mud.


  1. Softball balls are entirely too big... wtf... get out of that shit mel... It's all about baseball!!!

  2. Oh, don't be shy. Just ask a friend to help. :)


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