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RIP! A Remix Manifesto

I just watched this documentary last night and absolutely have to share it. It's so good.

It might even be an illegal documentary. One that was really brave of the director, Brett Gaylor, to create. The focal point is on an artist I love called Girl Talk, who has been sued up the wazoo for copyright infringement.

As Maclean’s Magazine puts it, RIP! is a "frontal assault on how corporate culture is using copyright law to muzzle freedom of expression.”

Watch it. Trust me.

Best part? YOU can
download it here and pay whatever you want!

Stamp of approval. It really is worth the watch. Make other people watch it, too. Lure them in with treats and beverages.


  1. You rock for spreading the word about this! And is that clip you posted from Coachella? I saw Girl talk there for the first time there in 07 and he's brilliant. And it IS total bs, that he's been sued so much

  2. That clip of Girl Talk in the beginning is at Coachella, I believe. And yes, he is brilliant! I saw him for the first time at a little bar here called Urban Lounge. I had never heard of him before, then KAZAM! next thing I know I'm irresistibly compelled to dance n' dance n' dance until my shirt was just soaked in sweat galore. It was grand. ;]

  3. Hey VBB! Can I post a link to your site on my site?
    Sam (tha man)

  4. Sam: OF COURSE. I have you linked, too!

  5. that was playing at a film festival that we saw a bunch of films at in buenos aires. i wanted to see it, but it was playing after midnight at a far away theater. it looked great. i need to see it.


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