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Original Plumbing - a new transguy zine

On Wednesday Original Plumbing announced that their first issue was available for pre-order. I ordered my copy last night.

There's something about this magazine that makes me all warm inside. Living most of my life feeling disconnected from my anatomy and horribly awkward in my own skin really took a toll on my self-esteem. It was hard to not feel "freakish" or unattractive throughout the years, unable to look at myself in the mirror or have a partner see me unclothed.

In addition to the dysphoria, there's an entire culture surrounding notions of beauty for men and women. The small amount of exposure I had to trans people growing up was pretty negative (Silence of the Lambs comes to mind). There were no narratives of trans aside from being sources of obscure entertainment or victims of hate crimes. None that I was aware of, anyway.

To come to terms with being a trans person right now is wonderful. Thanks to a brave trans history, there is a growing plethora of individuals sharing their experiences and building a supportive, inspiring foundation for trans people now and for future generations. There are allies galore, openly expressing support, understanding, and encouragement.

And now there's a magazine to show trans guys in a sexy light. I love it. The post-op, pre-op, the never-op, the genderqueer, the what-have-you, it's all here, being proud and open.

So, I ordered a copy.


  1. I've always thought you were cute, in a manly sort of way.

  2. Can I get a hell yeah to your recently discovered greatness and empowerment :) You rock dude.

  3. yay i'm so excited that OP exists! i haven't seen the first issue yet, but i'm looking forward to it.

    i totally want to have it available in the LGBTQ Youth Center where i work, but i think it may be a *tad* too sexy.

    still, i plan on telling everyone about it and how to acquire it; if they are over 18, of course ;)

  4. Elaine: I want it available here in SLC, too. I suggested Sam Wellers and Cahoots to them, so hopefully one or the other ends up with OP. Get it to those youth! No tranny could ever be too sexy!


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