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Whose card is this?

I just got home from a venture to a local LGBQT novelty/card shop to acquire this little reusable coffee cup that I noticed there a couple of weeks ago:

Gah! So cute! And look, it's disguised as a non-reusable cup! I figured that when I take my weekly trip to a trendy coffee shop to get a delicious and caffeine-laden beverage, the paper or polystyrene cups with plastic lids are not the ideal vessels for my wannabe-eco-friendly self to be drinking out of.

So, I figured, for $10 I could buy this "I Am Not a Paper Cup" cup and reuse it over and over again.

When I went up to pay for this little cup, the employee closely inspected my debit card and asked to see my ID - okay, that's normal and a good thing she's actually checking. As I was scooping out my wallet to find my ID she then confronted me by asking, "Whose card is this?", to which I jokingly replied, "Oh yes, do you want her ID or mine?", and then seriously added, "Actually, it's mine. I'm transgender and that's my name."

I handed her my ID and she examined it closely.

She then asked if I was planning to legally change it and I told her that I was planning to at some point.

And then another employee there who knows me approached and vouched for my credibility as a customer with, "Mel's good people."


  1. I LOVE my "I am not a Paper Cup!" I'm saddened that it only holds 8oz... plus you'll never expect the last sip due to the weight of the cup itself... but Dang it sure is cute!

    I too am excited for the new Freddy!! Have you seen the movie "Inside?" It is so twisted.

  2. Only 8oz!? Noooooo!!!!!!! So lame! Just a snag. A solution exists...

    I HAVE seen Inside. I own it, in fact - it's a favorite, big time. I'm betting that The Human Centipede will be even more twisted. Have you seen the trailer for it?

  3. Oh whew! The one I got is 12 oz.!

  4. There are cold beverage versions, too! Look up the Copco Cold Beverage Mug - also damn cute.

  5. Something about that trailer made me really squeamish... It wasn't particularly brutal... and hardly gory at all - but boy oh boy did I think about hurling for a second. I bet my mang is going to go nuts for it. You two should get together and watch horrible horror movies together - he has a knack for picking out the very worst ones!

    I just found a 16 oz version (same company, different model) on Amazon... I can't wait to get it! Aren't they the best :) That cold version is almost too cute.

  6. I don't expect new Freddy to be anywhere as good as original Freddy. Good choice of actor for Freddy, but without a good Nancy, it will suck. Nancy and Freddy are linked like Michael Myers and Laurie Strode. Notice that all the good Nightmare movies had Heather Langenkamp (Parts 1, 3 and New Nightmare--Part 4 was fun too, but for other reasons). The Nancy in this new one looks like a generic teen with no personality. :(

  7. Caroline: Doesn't it look great? You two should come see it with me - it's coming out nationwide May 7th!

    I share this wonderful talent of finding the worst of the worst with your mang - have you two seen Mum & Dad?

  8. Boyd: It's going to be SO GOOD. Don't knock it til' you see it. I'm going into it expecting great gore effects and a (hopefully) actually scary Freddy minus the clown factor - the old 80s Freddy made too many jokes.


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