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Super Adoptions!

The weekend before last was No More Homeless Pet's semi-annual Super Pet Adoption. This is an event where homeless animals from a number of rescue groups and local shelters receive much-needed exposure, increasing their odds to find homes. 106 cats and 246 dogs were adopted, for a total of 352. Which was pretty good, given the IT'S SPRING freezing wet weather.

Ken Passarella made a wonderful video of it:

I love No More Homeless Pets in Utah (NMHP). Before they began in 2000, over 46,000 animals were euthanized in shelters throughout the state (1999 baseline). By 2008, that number had decreased by 30% and continues to decrease, bit by bit.

I'm particularly relieved for all of the shelter animals who get to come, looking for homes; like those from a local animal shelter that's only open 10am-6pm Monday through Friday and closed weekends - when most people are stuck at work and unable to go meet all of the little animals in need of homes.

I had no idea what to expect in regards to pronouns while volunteering. I've been a NMHP volunteer for years now and have been interacting with familiar faces throughout that time that have all referred to me in feminine pronouns.

This time around I met a number of new faces who all automatically, without question, referred to me in masculine pronouns. No one used feminine pronouns, not once, even those who have known me for years. One volunteer whose known me for about 8 years now carefully tip-toed around asking, "So um, would you mind if I asked you a personal question?" - I told her no, and she proceeded, "I uh, took a gender class back in the day and, well... I don't mean to be rude, but I was wondering---.", I cut her off, "Yes, I prefer masculine pronouns. I'm transitioning, actually." then told her that it wasn't at all rude to ask and that I'd prefer that any day to someone walking on egg shells or taking a guess.

This is the first out and about situation where I've met new people who are reading me as "he". Working from home, I tend to interact mostly with friends of friends or people who know me through LGBQT activities. Going to school this Fall will definitely change that; but, admittedly, it was interesting.

For example, there were a slew of different gendered interactions - like one instance where I stopped by the cat area and started giving one of the kitties kisses through her cage while she licked my lips. Witnessing this, a girl approached and commented, "Awww, it's so cute to see a guy who's so into cats!", then proceeded to tell me a story about a guy friend of hers whose way into cats and people give him slack. So strange, the "masculine" pressure placed on men culturally; which I'm becoming exposed to more and more.

On an awkward note, after making out with that cute homeless kitty I had to use the restroom, where I was given a flashlight and warned that the restroom lights were "heating up" and not on yet. The restroom was pitch black and as I fumbled to turn the flashlight on then point it towards stalls, it conveniently targeted SMACK DAB on a poor guy in the middle of his business at the urinal. Shocked, I apologized and pointed the flashlight upwards, then stumbled into a stall. Oops.


  1. That has to be such a good feeling...being referred to as a he, that's great.


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