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Today did not start out well. I spent all night studying for today's test. When I finally passed out, I set two alarms. Before I nodded off, I got a school outfit ready and packed my bag.

As I attempted to sleep throughout the night, my cat Theseus laid on my head. Then purred in my face. Then pawed at my nose. Then used the litter box three times. Then knocked something off a shelf. Then meowed at my bedroom door. Meanwhile my other cat, the old and bitter Evilbunny, did the same - hassling me to no end, all night long. Which is abnormal.

I woke up on and off, over and over. The worst.sleep.ever. And finally, at 6:00am, my alarm went off. I turned it off. 20 minutes later my second alarm went off. And woke up to both of my cats glaring at me, wide awake and excited that I, too, was now awake.

Low and behold, my cats had about 5 kibble bits of food in their bowl (i.e. they had some food, but were panicking about running low on food. Seriously.) Whhhhyyyyy!!!!!

Oy'. I woke up irritable. Poured food. And then bicycled off to the cafe with my dad, where I was looking forward to getting in some last-minute studying prior to my afternoon exam.

I ordered a beverage and started to cram.

And on this morning, of all mornings, there were ~30 people upstairs loudly giving a presentation, clapping, laughing, and getting everyone all pumped about some accounting something another. I attempted to use bits of paper towel as earplugs, which semi-worked.

We eventually left the cafe and I snuck in a little more studying before my Art class. And took a break during Art to study a little more. And then I had 40 minutes before the big test to escape to the library to eat lunch and cram some more.

All anxious and anticipating the exam, a huge wave of calm hit me after I opened my lunch to discover a lot of adorable deliciousness from my mom:

Some BBQ chips, faux "tuna" sandwiches (made from garbanzo beans; which doesn't sound like it would work but it actually, surprisingly does), peppered cucumber and, of course, essential gummy bunnies.

But since I was still sleep-deprive, I also swallowed one of these:

Which seemed to help. It was gross, though. Like swallowing cold medicine.

And finally, after getting so worked up, the test wasn't all that bad. And the professor brought in something extremely neat to reward us - two human brains.

Talk about a highly effective way to turn an anxiety-inducing test period into something really fun! I got to hold bits and pieces of a real human brain solidifie in formaldehyde:

While holding the bits and pieces of brain, I tried to figure out what was what. Thanks to the magic of flash cards, I was able to identify a lot.


  1. Brain, grossssssss!!!!! Raw roast beef... I just died hahahaha <3 Have a better day!

  2. Death happens. And my dad got WAY better the second I ate lunch. And also right when the test was over and a human brain appeared.

  3. Ok Dex....I got two questions for you...

    1. when are you moving out of your house?

    2. you callin us meat heads now?


  4. 1. Out of my parents place? NEVER. I'll be here til' death! But honestly, as soon as able. Not during school, though.

    2. Always! Name-calling makes the world go 'round! ;P

  5. I LOVED this post :)
    1 - I have Dexter shoes too! Can't beat $12 for cute flats that have lasted more than a year and a half with no holes!
    2 - Your poor Theseus and Evilbunny trials made me snicked. Oh cats. Whenever we house sit for my pseudo Mother-in-law her 20 year old cat, Kitty, always pokes us ever so slightly with one protruding little kitty toe right on the tips of our noses as we sleep. Cats.
    3 - Where on earth did your mom get that super spiffy lunch box? I love my pandabearbox - which you've inspired me to do a post about - to death, but everything ends up squished by my second class.
    4 - brains - super cool!! Though I admit I'm always a little disappointed when real-life organs aren't color coded like they are in study aids. I work for two doctors and they have all sorts of awesome pathology, oncology, and hematology books and journals lying around. Fun browsing for sure!

  6. 1- oooo! Dexter gets around!
    2 - That's way cute, and I love that she's 20.
    3 - It's from "Laptop Lunches", and we learned about it from the adorable vegan lunch box lady: Apparently laptop lunches has come out with a new "Bento 2.0".
    4 - If the real-life version was color-coded, I'd wonder what kind of brain disease it was.

  7. 1- oooo! Dexter gets around!
    2 - That's way cute, and I love that she's 20.
    3 - It's from "Laptop Lunches", and we learned about it from the adorable vegan lunch box lady: Apparently laptop lunches has come out with a new "Bento 2.0".
    4 - If the real-life version was color-coded, I'd wonder what kind of brain disease it was.

  8. I am so envious of your brain school fun. Next time put one in your backpack so I can look at it later.

  9. Kegg: I'll try, just for you. At least a nibble.

  10. You've officially inspired me to bring lunch from home!!! I went and got all the shit to do so last night and brought my first lunch today ;)

  11. you mom is cute for packing you adorable little lunches.

    brains are disgusting.

    what art class are you taking?


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