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Work, puberty, and bicycle ballz

My work has been exceptionally supportive so far in regards to my decision to physically transition. I decided to informally meet with an LGBQT-friendly individual in our HR department (lucky!) about it. I told him about what was going to happen, that it would be gradual, but that I anticipated some potential problems and that, by bringing it up now, maybe we could come up with some kind of problem-prevention-plan. He enthusiastically proposed the first step: Make the one-person bathroom on the first floor gender-neutral. He ordered the sign immediately. Second step: Bring in a Jude, my friend who works for the Pride Center and who does diversity training in regards to LGBQT issues all over the state.

That following week the three of us met in his office. Jude brought three information packets, including information in regards to Fortune 500 companies and other large companies that have "gender identity" and "sexual orientation" in their non-discrimination policies and about how the Human Rights Campaign publishes brochures and publicly recognizes and praises companies who pride themselves on being tolerant and diverse. The HR rep brought up that our company recently set in motion something they're calling a "diversity initiative" and that, for Utah, my transitioning will be their "first tangible exercise in professional tolerance." In regards to my more conservative-leaning boss (He's LDS, has a blog where he posts about being pro-Proposition 8 and about how our country is crumbling into the reigns of the horrors of socialism due to Obama becoming President), it was decided that my HR rep would meet with him one-on-one. If my boss felt comfortable with it, the three of us could meet.

The very next day we did meet - the HR rep, my boss, and I. It went well, but it was definitely a "culture shock" for everyone. While I was trying to reiterate that I was the mostly concerned with my boss "setting a tone" for the rest of our team, and wanting to know that if something did happen that was malicious or hateful he wouldn't condone, support, or exacerbate it - he was most focused with if I wanted to "be treated like a guy or not". Here's an example of our conversation:

Boss: "So do you want us to start treating you like a guy?"
Me: "Oh, um, just treat me like you do now?"
Boss: "Hmm. Let me put it this way. K, so you know how us guys get together, slap each other on the backs, wrestle, talk about things we wouldn't talk about 'round girls? Know what I mean? Do you want to be treated like a guy?"
Me: "Oh... no... just, treat me like you do currently. Like me. That doesn't have to change, even though I anticipate it will as my appearance changes. But, that's entirely up to you. I don't care either way, as long as it's not malicious or hateful."
Boss: "Uh huh. K, so let me put it this way. So you know how a bunch of us guys get around the fussball table and we're talkin' like guys, saying guy things, slapping each other's shoulders? If a girl shows up, it's not like we're going to slap her on her shoulder or say the things we do. It's not like we're worried that we're harassing each other."
Me: "Oh, well, I don't play fussball with you guys now. I won't start playing fussball, I don't think. But, you don't have to worry about me being offended or that I'd feel harassed, as long as you're not being malicious or hateful."
Boss: "Uh huh. Okay, so let me put it this way. So, girls are raised one way, guys are raised another. Guys and girls act differently. Like, if I ask a guy to do something, it's like 'Josh, get this done.', but with a girl, it's like, 'Linda, would you mind fitting this into your schedule as soon as possible? Thank you.'..."
And so it went. Back and forth. I think it went well. I'm not worried about having any problems. But, yes, bit of a culture shock going on there. ;]

My co-workers have been exceptionally supportive. They got together and bought me a dangly bicycle seat ornament:

So wonderful. They sway left and right when I peddle. I was told that flesh colored was the first choice but they were sold out. A couple of my co-workers also took me out to lunch to celebrate "Injection Day". Aww!

In more immediately recent news, this morning was an... interesting and pathetic experience. Like clockwork, I wake up every morning no matter what at ~8am. I generally don't feel hungry until around noon. This is the me I've known for many, many years. Then this morning happened.

Around 6am I wake up with this awful something that feels like heart burn or stomach pain. I tried to fall back asleep, but the pain kept me awake. So I got up, half-asleep, and wandered to the kitchen. I poured a bowl of cereal and stood there eating it in the dark. I tossed the bowl into the sink and, low and behold, began to instantly feel better. I wandered back into my room to be greeted with some gross toffees on my book shelf (I don't even like toffee), then laid in my bed, unwrapping the pieces of toffee and placing them in my mouth, chewing them as I fell back to sleep.

This greasy-hunger-inducing-puberty thing is buu-shit!


  1. That's sooo amazing what your work did. I looove!!!!! :)

  2. wow! and LOL at your boss! you are a good and funny writer, Mel. :)

  3. your middle of the night hunger pains sound suspiciously like pregnancy hunger pains - good to see you birthin a different kind o baby, though :)

    You boss sounds really awesome. You know, in a Michael Scott sort of way.

  4. dscokween: Ha! I highly doubt that my newfound hunger pains compare. I couldn't even imagine the hormone/physical/indescribable changes and emotions that would stem from that. You're hardcore. ;]

  5. OMG....I love those biker balls!!

  6. Jude: Aren't they the shiznit? I just saw a MASSIVE TRUCK with a pair the other day and wished.wished.wished I had my bicycle to pull up next to him.

  7. Normally I make fun of people with balls hanging off their vehicles but seeing them on a bike made me laugh out loud. Although I do now have to make fun of you for being a bike bro.

  8. @veganaron: Wait, what's a bike bro? Bros who bicycle, I presume? And bike ballz are THE BEST! The only snag thus far is trying to figure out where to place my back blinkie.


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