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A frickin' week!

Gadz, it's been an entire week since my last post. This month has been hectic with all the unemployment/moving shenanigans afoot. Not to mention my Internet access has been unreliable and brief when I have it.

I'm also due for another awkward photo documentation, which will have to wait until I find my camera battery and get that sucker recharged. Soon, soon!

I have some pretty dapper whisker growth going on that I'm excited to show off in all its action-packed scattered and subtle glory. It's actually visible (gasp)! So visible that I tried.tried.tried to hold on to it for as long as I could muster but HAD to shave when I just couldn't take it anymore.

I was a trooper and held out for a bit there so I could photo document - but like I said, I haven't been able to find my camera battery amongst the scatter of cardboard boxes and piles o' crap to put on freecycle/donate/free box.

It's really a wonder how much one accumulates living somewhere. I really don't think I accumulate until, low and behold, moving time comes rolling along and suddenly it hits me that I have a whole shit ton of random crap that's just popped up and fit in little knooks and crannies along the way.

Ooo! Back to my whiskers, the growth is visible enough that it's been commented on without my having to get under some bright light, hover in about an inch away from some poor, supportive victim's face, then desperately point out little whiskers. Just the other day, for example, my pops commented from across the table, "That's a pretty fine 'stache you have going on there." My mom commented, "You have a whisker shadow!", and Gina commented, "You look like a 13 year old boy."


In other news, found an apartment. Although, job hunting has been a bit tricky, especially given that I'm currently transitioning and have generated more than a couple furrowed brows and confused looks from interviewers. I was considering applying for one job that's a grave shift checking on boy and girl kiddles, but where would they put me? Moving on.

With the apartment, it's literally down the street from where I currently live. Which makes it oh-so-tempting to move via radio flyers and grocery carts, which I'm sure would really impress our new neighbors. Balancing a couch on a grocery cart, moving little cats in cat carriers, garbage bags full of clothes. So, so tempting.

On a side note, just last night I went out to a club with a snazzy friend of mine and when I handed my ID to the ID-checker-guy, he checked it out, looked at me, looked back down at it, and when he handed it back and stamped my hand said, "Have a good time, bro."

p.s. I can't wait to have reliable Internet access again and a camera battery!


  1. I was getting worried, thoguht you were being a bum like me, with the not updating and what not.

  2. I was wondering what happened to ya! thought maybe the job hunting was getting the best of ya! So glad you found a place and I know the job will soon follow! Dang it find the batt I want pics!

  3. Kammorremae: Oh hell no. You're the bum in this sideway street cart, not me!

  4. Monkey Outlaw: I'll find that stinkin' battery! I will!


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