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Binder Received!

My M1700 binder came from T-Kingdom today! I ordered it last Thursday, so it came pretty quick.

Review time, cha cha cha!

I pranced upstairs after signing for it and put it on right away. It's binding efficiently! Definitely moreso than the M1980 and the M801 - the two binders I currently own.

The M1700 binder came right in the knick of time. I can't find the zip-up M801 for the life of me and, when I said the M1980 was "obliterated", I wasn't selling its condition short. It could only get worse if I hacked it up into little bits with scissors, lit it on fire, or, the ultimate of ultimate fates, left it near the litter box.

In Comparison to M1980

After experiencing the bliss of putting on the M1700, I now realize that the M1980 is actually really uncomfortable. Maybe it's just my height (5'11''), but from day one it just hasn't fit quite right. When I first received it, the lower half was elastic and tight and, as I'd romp aboot, it would ride up my back and I'd have to constantly pull it down (this is what eventually caused the tearing).

If I had the chance to do it over again, I'd make SURE to sew on some more length so it could be tucked into my knickers. Even then, the whole elastic lower half just annoyed me.

That whole uncomfortable elastic lower portion predicament isn't, at all, present with the M1700 I received today. It's not tight and elastic - it's just long so that the binder will look like a usual undershirt with a white button-up on the outside. It's loose and flowy-like, like a little sun dress in the morrow.

It just might be perfect. Or at least in comparison to what I've experienced so far. The Velcro part makes it so that I can actually bind tighter or looser, depending on what feels comfortable and what I'll be wearing. With the M1980 and M801 that don't have the Velcro portion, I just get what I get with no room for adjustment.

I believe T Kingdom when they say that the M1700 is "Our best selling binder!". And it ranks #1 on their chart for durability, binding effect, and how many have been sold.

Another drawback to the M1980 is that, after bicycling for some time or just being out in the sun, I'm covered in grime and sweat. The second I got home or to a friend's place where I'm comfortable, I just couldn't resist taking my shirt off, tearing the thing off, then putting my shirt back on. Then I'd put the M1980 on again to go out, off again when I got in, so on and so forth.

With the M1700 I anticipate that I'll be able to just un-Velcro it when I need to cool down indoors, and won't have to take it on and off.


Oh! And a drawback to the M801. I liked the zipper initially, until I started wearing more button-ups where the zipper became visible. Since I rarely wear t-shirts, I've been wearing the M801 less and less. And the whole not being able to find it lately thing has aided in the not wearing it situation a bit, too.


  1. lookin good buddy. I ordered mine last week, I know it's been shipped (this morning) so hopefully I get it soon!

    Thanks for the comparison review.

  2. that's a mighty fine binding job, if i don't say so myself. yay for new stuff!

  3. Wow, that thing really works. I'm surprised though that they haven't thought to make them in leotard style, with a snap-crotch so that they can't ride up on you.

  4. Jess: Thanks! You ordered the M1700?

  5. Elbie: Yay for stuff that's comfortable and actually works. :]

  6. Kestryl: You wish. If they did, that's probably all you'd ever wear!

  7. I'm sold, the part where you said the old binder would ride up your back... Yeah, I hate that shit! When I first put mine on I thought, what the hell, it needs to be longer!

    I'm ordering one of these as soon as monetarily possible.

  8. I did! It's in Taipei now on it's way to me.

    I went with the XXL after emailing with their service dept and sending them my measurements. I can't wait to get it!

  9. Kegg: You can even try mine before ordering if you want, since it turns out we wear the same size. It's like sharing underwear, only a lot less sweaty. Or not, actually... yeah, it's a lot like sharing underwear.

  10. Jess: NICE. I hope it's as comfortable for you as it is for me thus far!

  11. You're so kind, you're like the brother I never had... do brothers share underwear? I wouldn't mind trying it though just to see how it does. My fat pads are much fattier than yours are, so I am interested.

    Let’s hang out, play video games, and try on binders... I think we are onto a new form of bro bonding!


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