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Binder Upgrade

I just ordered the Model 1700 Breast Binder from T-Kingdom. I can't really afford it, but I NEED a new binder. Apparently car-free lifestyle is brutal on poor binders.

I have two currently - the Model 801 and the Model 1980, which I got back in January. Since then and especially with the desert I'm living in warming up (i.e. unable to layer), I've learned that I generally need to use both binders; unless I'm wearing a pretty loose-fitting shirt. When I use both binders, I put the M1980 on first then the M801 over it.

Binding with both royally sucks when bicycling. Sweat. Heat. Can't breathe. Itch. The second I get home I rip them off, wipe my sweat off, toss them in the wash, and throw on a t-shirt.

The poor M1980 is obliterated at this point. After tucking it into my shorts a million times, a few tears formed at the base. In no time at all these tears turned into the entire left back side ripping, bit by bit. It still works, but it's all scuffed up and tattered.

Definitely time for a new, stronger binder. Apparently the binder that I ordered today, the M1700, binds a bit stronger than the two I currently have due to the wondrous magic of Velcro. And T Kingdom has a nifty binder comparison guide on their site that compelled me to throw down the towel and order it.


  1. I've always avoided buying from TKingdom because I figured the chances of it fitting me were slim since I had heard they run small. But you're like the third person recently to tell me that they work.

    Do let us know how you like the 1700 model. Any info you would provide regarding the size you get and even your personal measurements that you wouldn't mind sharing with a brotha would be appreciated. Maybe it would help me decide whether I should get a XL or XXL My weight is in the XXL range, but my chest size is in the XL range.

  2. Jess: They do run small, but XL fits me just fine. When I measured my chest last I got 39 inches, so I was torn between XL and XXL when I ordered the first time.

    According to T Kingdom's size chart, the XL can fit "175cm / 5ft 9 inches" with a 37-39inch (94-99cm) chest at the MAXIMUM, and then the XXL covers 40-42 inch (102-107cm) chests.

    I was all anxious about ordering the XL, thinking that it would be too small, but it worked out just fine. Just not a tight enough bind. The only predicament size-wise that I've sorta experienced is with the M801 not riding low enough due to my height (5'11''). It works, but it clearly doesn't fit as well as it should.

    I'm curious about Underworks - is that who you've bought from, if you don't mind my asking? If so, good experience?

  3. Wow fast response!

    Yes underworks. I think the idea was awesome, the quality was great but it just didn't fit me right. Though I think I got a size too small. I really had trouble breathing. I actually have had the best luck with pullover hanes sports bras that I buy at walmart. They are cheap as hell, I get a size too small and they bind me well enough. It's also comfortable and since I can buy tons of them I just change it as often as I need to and there's a clean one waiting somewhere in the house. lol When I was a EE up top (before my breast reduction surgery in 2007) I used the same thing and no one had any idea I was so big chested. People actually didn't believe me when I disclosed that.
    Now that my chest is significantly smaller is seems that it's harder for me to bind with just a sports top because the surgery left me with more densely compacted (perky) tissue. So since I wont be able to afford surgery till next year at the very soonest, I need a really great binder to use so I can pass more effectively.

    Overall I recommend the underworks products, but you should just be careful what size you get bcz they really don't go on easy at all since they "give" very little.

    Mine is now on a very cool genderqueer kid in India that I met via the blogs!


  4. Oh and thanks for the sizing info. I'm going to order mine tonight.

  5. good deal... third paragraph, ""for breathing"".... comment is funny. maybe not supposed to be- but it is. I can not imagine the discomfort and just royal pain in the ass. glad you got the other one. :)


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