Anonymous asked: tranny isn't for trans men to use.Why not? To my understanding from your incredibly brief statement, you’ve expressed the perspective that there are only trans-women and trans-men - and that anyone deemed trans-man does not have the right to use the word “tranny”. Since you didn’t give me much to go on, I’ll assume that this is the case and respond. Please correct me if I misunderstood you or elaborate and clarify in a response.
The approach to eliminate what is considered to be an offensive word when used by the oppressive transman strikes me as awfully discriminatory, segregating, and void of inclusiveness. It takes the complexities of gender and irons them out, reducing them to a series of reassuring but stupid assumptions. There’s so much more to the story of gender than just men and women - and trans exemplifies and challenges this.
Transgender is an umbrella term for a vast spectrum of identities, sexes, genders, and the varied ways that’s all expressed. “Tranny”, in the usage of some within the trans spectrum, is short for “transgender” and not specific to trans-women. It has a history of being used as a derogatory term towards gender non-conformity (particularly individuals who are assumed to be “men” dressed as “women”). This is precisely because we live in a world where everyone is assumed to be cisgender and either men or women. Anything “other” is, by default, lesser-than, faux, or negative.
But being trans is anything but lesser-than, faux, or negative; and I won’t ever bow down to the assumption that calling anyone trans, tranny, or transgender is inherently derogatory. That’s giving the bigots more ammunition. They don’t own it - we do. And especially with a word that has been used against me throughout my entire life (including pre-transition), I do have the right to reclaim it as something positive and empowering.
I am trans. I have been my entire life in many different ways. There are many trans individuals and we are all very different with different experiences, perspectives, and identities - and that’s a beautiful thing. I’m just as entitled to utilize a term I feel is inclusive, all-encompassing of a slew of identities and various forms of gender expression as anyone else.
Unfortunately, there are those who are incredibly determined to a.) paint trans people in a binary man/woman manner that reflects the boring ol’ cisgender binary and b.) dictate language power over those who are determined to be man because those who are woman are designated as the sainted victims while those who are deemed “man” are oppressive. But this is a truth for some that is entirely contrary to reality, human nature, and real-life experience. Especially when it comes to the transgender spectrum.
When individuals enforce gender norms and expectations, and, in the process, construct gendered systems of dominance and power it hurts us all. And you’re doing exactly that by dragging it into the trans spectrum and getting stuck in this psychology of ironing out my gender expression, crumpling into a tiny little suffocating ball, and tossing it away into a garbage can you’ve deemed oppressive “trans MAN” like I’m on some far mega-distant end of a two-option scale. Even to the point that, to you, I don’t even have the right to language if I’m in this mythological category.
This isn’t reality, and it’s JUST as bad as someone telling someone they perceive as “woman” not to worry her pretty little head about something. Both are sexist, hurtful, and shouldn’t be reinforced.
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